Because all wealth is created in your mind first!

TSB Assets

A 12 week LIVE coaching & training program developed to help you reprogram your money blocks in 90 days and grow your revenue and profit with less stress, guilt, and hustle.

By teaching a proprietary process derived from cognitive psychology and neuroscience research, you will learn the skills and habits to remove and replace ANY money block quickly and safely (we don’t do gaslighting or retraumatizing in my world). This process is not based on magical principles.  It’s based on science which, when done properly, feels magical AF.

You can put what I will teach you on repeat for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to remove any subconscious limiting beliefs around money (or anything else that sabotages you and your business).

BONUS: It works on any other limiting belief too!

  • This is not therapy
  • This is not hypnosis
  • This is not NLP

I have almost 30 years of experience as a clinical psychotherapist, teacher, trainer, speaker, and coach. This hybrid course is strategic money mindset work for serious business owners who are sick of wasting time and money because their minds, brains and actions are not fully aligned with their money goals.

TSB Assets


Join The Subconscious Millionaire during our Early Bird period 

and get these one-time bonuses:

A Digital Copy of the Un-Believable Journal

A beautiful journal to track your progress and follow Kelly’s 5 step Un-Believable (™ pending) process.

A FREE Ticket to the Build Your Brave Virtual Retreat

A ticket to the Emerge Empowered Virtual Retreat where you will map out the business dreams and goals you want to achieve next, identify any beliefs that need to be uprooted (using the Un-Believable Process) so NOTHING stands in your way. 

This event is designed to help you forge a path to get there with more ease, flow and profit

Details TBD

Because all wealth begins in the mind first

TSB Assets

A 12 week coaching & training program to reprogram your money conditioning and grow your revenue and profit with less stress, guilt, and hustle

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Our commitment is to present a realistic perspective on the income possibilities available to you through this program. It’s crucial to recognize that this program does not promise specific financial outcomes, and your enrollment acknowledges  the that individual results can significantly differ. The success of any coaching endeavor relies on numerous variables, including but not limited to your dedication, consistency, any pre-existing personal challenges such as trauma or mental health issues, as well as the current market dynamics. Consequently, you acknowledge that the financial achievements resulting from your participation are not the responsibility of our company.

We are fully aware and acknowledge the existence of financial disparities, systemic inefficiencies, and the unique obstacles faced by individuals from marginalized communities. Although these broader societal issues are beyond our direct influence, we firmly believe in the power of focusing on and nurturing our individual relationships with money. By doing so, we contribute positively to our personal financial journey and, indirectly, to the broader economic landscape.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
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