Because all wealth is created in your mind first!

TSB Assets

A 12 week coaching & training program that reprograms
your money blocks and grows your revenue and confidence
with less stress, guilt, and hustle.

The Experience Starts the Monday after you enroll!

Hi, I’m Kelly

I am a mental health expert with almost 30 years of experience as a clinical psychotherapist, teacher, trainer, speaker, and coach. 

The Subconscious Millionaire Program was born out of my need to transform myself from a broke expert into a MONEY MAVEN. 

This program is strategic money TRANSFORMATION work for serious business owners who are sick of wasting time and money you are sabotaging your own goals.

The Subconscious Millionaire Program teaches you the EXACT proprietary system I used to reprogram all of my negative beliefs around money and:

-get out of 65K in BAD credit card debt

-build a 6 figure emergency fund 

-work 4 days a week making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year(as a Mom with 2 chronic illnesses and a spine injury)

-release my stress, worry and SHAME around money, wealth and success

-and become a NET WORTH MILLIONAIRE (because what you keep is what matters!)


By teaching a proprietary process derived from cognitive psychology and neuroscience research, you will learn how to replace ANY money block quickly, simply and safely (we don’t do gaslighting or retraumatizing in my world). 

This process is not based on magical principles.  It’s based on science which, when done properly, feels magical AF.

You can put what I will teach you on repeat for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to remove any subconscious limiting beliefs around money.

  • BONUS: It works on any other limiting belief too!
  • This is not therapy
  • This is not hypnosis
  • This is not NLP
  • This is not pseudoscience
  • This is strategic mind/brain/habit development!

The investment for the 3 month program is two payments of $1000.

This is the lowest price the program will ever be.

This opportunity is for fast action-takers who know a serious opportunity when they see one.

TSB Assets


The first 5 people who sign up by midnight Friday, June 28th

will receive a BONUS valued at more than the course itself!

Private Voxer Access to me 

This is typically only offered to my 15-25K clients and 

allows you to access me outside of coaching and teaching hours for more support! (a 3K Bonus!)


2 x $1000

Praise from Kelly's Clients...

Reaching my full potential was the biggest draw and justification for my investment. If I didn’t invest in healing, I wouldn’t be able to achieve my big goals and the challenges that come with it
Dala Al-Fuwaires
Founder and Principal Designer-House of Form
I'm so grateful for your coaching and guidance. It's felt like our work together finally cleared the path to allow a million-dollar business and upleveled experience of reality to come through!
Tessa Arias
Owner and Author- Handle the Heat
I am convinced that Kelly transforms your leadership and elevate your abilities. She is an expert you can trust.
Mike Michalowicz
Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Creator of the Profit First Method


When are the calls?

Live coaching calls are every Wednesday from 12-:1:15pm EST.  Kelly and Dr. Kelli share these.

All calls will be recorded and saved in the Circle app (which we walk you through as part of the onboarding process) 

What if I miss a call?

No worries! You an access the replay as many times as you want inside Circle.  

When will I receive the Journal?

A digital fillable Un-Believable™ Journal will be provided to you as soon as you enter Circle.


Is there a payment plan?

Absolutely. You can make two equal payments of $1000 when you check out.


What if I don’t like groups?

Kelly takes a small handful of private 1:1 clients who are at the multiple 6 and 7 figure revenue level.  Please click here to book a Money Mindset Audit.

Do you offer refunds?

If you have watched all of the modules and attended all of the coaching calls for the first 30 days, and have decided the program is not for you, we will refund your money.

How do I interact with my community?

Great question! We keep everything in house so your content, replays, Bonuses AND community are located inside of Circle.  No need to head over to the Book of Faces to be in a group.



A Personal Journal

A custom fillable PDF journal that allows you to simply and easy implement The Un-Believable Process™ and track your daily progress throughout the program (and beyond!) 

Lifetime Access

Your purchase means that even after the program is over, you will have access to all of the modules, bonus trainings and any updates and improvements we make to the program for the life of the program!

Because all wealth is created in your mind first!

TSB Assets

A 12 week coaching & training program developed to help you reprogram your money blocks in 90 days and grow your revenue and profit with less stress, guilt, and hustle.

Kelly Ruta Logo 1

© Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved

We make reasonable efforts to ensure that we accurately represent revenue potential. There are no guarantees that this program will produce a specific amount of revenue or profit and you assume the risk that results will vary by individual. Results in any coaching program are dependent on multiple factors, many of which are out of our control such as participant effort, consistency, participant pre-existing trauma or mental health conditions, and market conditions. As a result, you agree that Kelly Ruta International is not responsible for your financial success.

We acknowledge that financial inequities, dysfunctional systems, and the additional challenges of people in marginalized groups are real and impactful. While we do not have control over those things, we do have the ability to invest in and work on our (micro) individual contribution to the experience of money which can positively impact the greater world (macro).